Rationales and Strands
The 3th AsTEN Conference in 2017 is aimed to provide a venue for scholarly discussion and exchange ideas on relevant issues regarding teacher education, as well as explorations of strategic actions and policy reforms on education in ASEAN region. The conference will also serve as a vehicle for collaboration in both academic and research endeavors within and across member institutions that will ultimately benefit the ASEAN nations and peoples.
There will be 7 strands at AsTEN 2017.
1. Teacher professional development
In-service teacher education; methods, innovation and reform in teacher professional development; evaluation of professional development practices, coaching and mentoring, reflective practice, teachers as researchers, and action research.
2. Pre-service teacher education
Pre-service teacher preparation, instructional methods in pre-service teacher education, teacher education programs and policy, field experience, relation of theory with practice, and issues related to pre-service teacher education reform.
3. Student learning and teaching
Knowledge and understanding of teaching practices in classroom contexts. Cognitive, affective, and social dimensions in learning.
4. Curriculum and educational policy
Curriculum development, reform implementation, dissemination and evaluation. International comparison studies such as TIMSS and PISA. Evaluation of schools and institutions. Policy and Practice issues: local, regional, national, or international issues of policy related to education.
5. Evaluation and assessment
Development, validation and use of standardized tests, achievement tests, high stakes tests, and instruments for measuring attitudes, interests, beliefs, self-efficacy, skills, conceptual understandings, etc.; authentic assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment; approaches to assessment. Monitoring student learning and implications for teaching.
6. Education for diversities and social change
Transformative learning, Contemplative education. ASEAN study, equity, cultural, gender, social justices, special needs, marginal groups. Non-formal and informal learning
7. Educational technology and innovation
Innovative practices and ICT, design, evaluation and characterization of resources and environments for teaching/learning, online learning environments, simulation and modeling tools, virtual laboratories, self-regulation, reflection and collaboration in digital learning environments.